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Should I get a dog in retirement? (3 reasons why the answer is YES!)

Should I get a dog in retirement? Maybe a question many of you have asked yourselves after leaving full time work for good. Our answer? YES. The joy animals can bring to somebody’s world is infinite, but I’ll let the list of benefits below do the talking…


1. Companionship

One thing a dog will ensure is that you will never be alone. Living on your own can can make you feel incredibly lonely sometimes, especially in the case of a worldwide pandemic! A four-legged friend is the perfect companion. A dog listens to you but never answers back, is up for a snuggle anytime, anywhere, and will always be waiting for you to come home.

2. Retirement routine

It’s not uncommon for people to reach retirement and struggle with the sudden lack of routine. However, bringing a dog into your life will add structure to your days. They wake up at a similar time, have their meals at the same time, and require regular exercise. Having another living being to take care of each day gives you a purpose, something you really need after retiring.

3. Exercise

The required daily walks will not only provide you with a routine, but it will also of course be great for your health. Snow, rain, or shine, your dog will always need a walk, even on your down days when you may not feel like leaving your home, your furry friend needs you, and I guarantee you’ll feel a million times better for getting out and about! Lots of research has proven that exercise lifts your mood and helps to relieve stress. Several other studies have suggested that walking may help improve cognitive function as well, especially in older adults.


Things to consider when getting a dog in retirement

• Do you have young grandchildren?
• Do you have mobility issues?
• Which is best for you? A puppy or an older dog?
• Are you in a good financial position to be getting a dog?
• Are you willing to regularly groom your dog or should you go for a low shedding breed?
• Do you go out a lot or go on lots of holidays?
• How big is your living space?

Pet friendly retirement homes in the UK

We at ExtraCare understand the importance of pets for people, especially for those that are retired. That’s why we have made it our mission to be pet friendly throughout all our retirement communities in the UK. Your dog is very much welcome, providing that you’re able to manage their requirements and you are able to make full arrangements for your pet to be cared for if you are unwell or away.