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“We are not forgetting where we have come from and who we are.”- ExtraCare resident Myrtle discusses Black History Month.

“We are not forgetting where we have come from and who we are.”- ExtraCare resident Myrtle discusses Black History Month.

All around the world, people are celebrating Black History Month by remembering important figures and events from history, honouring present day activists, or simply finding ways to lift up our own communities.

October 28, 2022

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: 8 common signs of breast cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: 8 common signs of breast cancer

Every October, people all over the world show their support for everyone affected by breast cancer. This blog post is to help you understand the signs and symptoms, and to remind you to TOUCH, LOOK and CHECK.

October 21, 2022

On Grandparents Day, here are 4 ways to spend quality time with your grandparents

On Grandparents Day, here are 4 ways to spend quality time with your grandparents

On Grandparents Day, here are 4 ways to spend quality time with your grandparentsThere are always so many things to do in a day. Sometimes, it feels like there just aren't enough hours - especially when you get busy. But some of the most precious moments that you'll ever experience in your life will come from spending time with your grandparents.

September 30, 2022

“There’s a lot more to life in a retirement village” – ExtraCare’s CEO Mick Laverty

“There’s a lot more to life in a retirement village” – ExtraCare’s CEO Mick Laverty

Earlier this year, law firm, Shakespeare Martineau published a whitepaper titled ‘How we can make retirement housing aspirational and not a sign of a crisis.’ The report highlighted the significant gap between public perception of the retirement housing sector and the reality

September 5, 2022

Could a retirement village be the next step for you?

Could a retirement village be the next step for you?

The UK is one of the world leaders when it comes to retirement living, but only 70,000 - that’s 0.5% of people aged 65 and over in the UK actually live in one. This number is far smaller than in the USA, Australia and New Zealand, where approximately 5-6% of their older population live in retirement villages!

August 15, 2022

Living in a retirement village: what to expect

Living in a retirement village: what to expect

Retirement villages aren’t widely understood throughout the UK in comparison to other countries such as New Zealand and USA, where they are a lot more ‘the norm’ shall we say. Many people still think of any retirement housing as a care home, which simply isn't the case. But if it's not a care home, what is it?

July 26, 2022

Resident led community building: A personal perspective

Resident led community building: A personal perspective

We have been extending our range of volunteer opportunities at ExtraCare, to create a more collaborative and empowering approach to befriending. Since 2021, we have launched new resident-led “Community Teams” in our villages. Here, residents can take the lead in coordinating befriending support and community events, with the help of local staff (see details here). Doing this, our teams have helped other residents take steps to integrate more meaningfully into their community.

July 25, 2022

How ExtraCare’s Welfare Benefits Officers are saving retirement village residents nearly £5m!

How ExtraCare’s Welfare Benefits Officers are saving retirement village residents nearly £5m!

We recently sat down with Welfare Benefits Lead Natalie James. Natalie discusses how she can help ExtraCare residents, what she loves about her role and how the team have already helped find many residents financial relief.

July 20, 2022

Meet ExtraCare’s Occupational Therapist Sherisse!

Meet ExtraCare’s Occupational Therapist Sherisse!

We recently caught up with Sherisse Smith, ExtraCare's very first Occupational Therapist, to see how she's finding life at ExtraCare.

July 13, 2022

NHS costs cut by a THIRD in ExtraCare retirement communities!

NHS costs cut by a THIRD in ExtraCare retirement communities!

round-breaking studies (2012-15 & 2015-18) revealed that care costs have been cut by more than a third and health benefits continue to soar by successfully combining health, social care and housing services for older people. The independent research was commissioned by The ExtraCare Charitable Trust, which provides homes for more than 4,400 people over the age of 55 in 20 retirement villages and smaller housing developments.

July 5, 2022

What type of yoga is best for older adults? – Our New Oscott Village yoga instructor explains!

What type of yoga is best for older adults? – Our New Oscott Village yoga instructor explains!

In honour of International Day of Yoga, we had a chat with our New Oscott Retirement Village Yoga Instructor Denise, discussing her 20 year journey from an overly busy mind to teaching the art of relaxation through the many forms of yoga.

June 21, 2022

Trust: An essential ingredient for building healthy communities

Trust: An essential ingredient for building healthy communities

As we think more about what best supports community this Loneliness Awareness Week, I’d like to throw trust into the mix. Elsewhere, I’ve noted that the sense of true “belonging” requires us to feel valued and understood by those we share our lives with.

June 16, 2022